My time on the sex show

Electronic medical record agony
April 16, 2012
New voice podcast!
June 3, 2012
Electronic medical record agony
April 16, 2012
New voice podcast!
June 3, 2012

Hi everyone, hope you are doing well.  I figured the title would get your attention!

As always there has been a lot going on with me…patients, procedures, the usual.  What was not usual was that I got to go on radio!  I was a guest on the Sunday Night Sex Show on CKNW.  This is hosted by Maureen McGrath, who is a registered nurse and Nurse Continence Advisor.  She has a private practice in North Vancouver and does a lot of work to educate the public on bladder, bowel and sexual health matters.  I met Maureen at Lions Gate Hospital one day.  She invited me to join her as a guest on her show, where we discussed sexual dysfunction and cardiovascular disease (“Matters of the Heart”).

It was a total blast to be on the show!  I got to go into the studio and look behind the scenes, which was all very exciting!  I then did my part of the show across the table from Maureen, both of us speaking into giant microphones while the producer and technical director work behind the scenes to keep everything going smoothly.  Quite an experience!  Everyone was very professional and worked as a team.

Maureen was very comfortable behind the microphone and clearly knew what she was doing.  Me, not so much.  It is a bit unsettling to see the giant microphone looking up at you and know that people all throughout the Lower Mainland and, via the internet, across the world, will hear what you have to say.  The first time I got to speak, my mouth went entirely dry.  I give tons of talks to other doctors, but this was entirely different!  However I got through the first question or two and then the answers came more easily.  I actually enjoyed it as the show went on!  It ended up being a great experience.  I hope the show was interesting to people!

If you’d like to hear the show, it is available in podcast form on the CKNW website:  I was on the May 20th episode.  Let me know what you think!

Maureen is a great person and very knowledgeable about sexual and reproductive issues.  I strongly encourage you to check out her show, either listening live (it is Sunday nights 8-9 pm on CKNW 980 AM)  or by downloading the podcasts.  I guarantee you will learn something every week!  You should also check out her website at, there is a lot of information on there that is interesting and easy to understand.

Any of you have experience working in radio or other public media?  Going on live myself gives me a whole new level of respect for those who do it regularly!  It is not easy!  Any of you catch the show?  Leave me your comments!

Until next time,

Dr. John Vyselaar

1 Comment

  1. Question for you all – if I add brief voice podcasts would you listen? I would review common questions in cardiology briefly and these would be patient-focused. I have been thinking of this for a while – another way to use my "radio voice" to help people.

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